What kind of translations are you seeking readings from?
Any genre: fiction, literary fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA lit, poetry, short stories… Anything and everything please!
Who can submit a reading?
Anyone who practices the art of translation or works as a translator, whether you’ve had work published yet or not. Emerging and established literary translators, amateur translators and students.
How do I record a reading?
If you have your own video software, feel free to use it. Most contributors simply use their phone’s camera or computer webcam. All we ask is that the audio and video are high quality and clear. This video is a great place to start if you’re a beginner at filming yourself.
How do I submit a reading?
Please see our submissions page for guidelines.
Do I need to send anything else along with my reading?
Please see our submissions page for guidelines.
If you’d like us to share your reading on a particular day (the book’s publication day, for example), please let us know that as well and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
What does “clearing permissions” mean?
This just means checking with the original rights holder of the work, unless it’s in the public domain. It’s usually either the publishing house or literary agency that’s commissioned you to do the translation, or the author or publisher of the source text, if you’re still seeking a publisher for your translation.
Can I submit more than one reading?
Absolutely! We like to have a bit of space between readings from the same translator, but we are always happy to receive multiple readings, so feel free to send us a video whenever you have a new book coming out, or are preparing a pitch and want to submit a video for our SEEKING A PUBLISHER playlist.
What are your criteria for accepting a submission?
As long as your reading is from a work you’ve translated, and you have secured permission from the author or publisher to share it, we’ll be delighted to accept it. Please be aware that we may add trigger warnings to anything that might be seen as sensitive content.
Can I send a reading from a work I’ve translated from English into another language?
Yes, we welcome readings from translations into languages other than English! All we ask is that you read the original English passage in the video, in addition to your translation.
Can I submit a reading from a book I haven’t found a publisher for yet?
Yes! We have a whole playlist dedicated to books in translation that are SEEKING A PUBLISHER!
When are you open for submissions?
We’re always open for submissions! We do call-outs on social media for specific themes such as Women in Translation month, World Kid Lit month, etc, but we accept submissions year-round.